Hope Central Seventh-Day Adventist Group

Bringing Hope to Centretown Ottawa

Get Your Daily Dose of Sunlight



In Genesis, we read about how God created sunlight. In preparation for man, God created light. Can you imagine to not see the light of day for a whole month? Imagine how cold it would be. Life would eventually cease to exist without the light.

Sunshine is vital to human life. When it strikes the skin, it can convert cholesterol into a vitamin D precursor which is converted into vitamin D in the kidney.

What are the benefits of Vitamin D?

·       Helps regulate calcium and phosphorous in the body

·       Aids bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis

·       Decreases arthritic problems

·       Helps immune system

·       Improves brain function in the elderly

·       Depression less common and severe with those who get adequate sunshine exposure

The amount of sunlight you need is dependent on a number of factors. For example, the amount of sunlight you need can change if you going out in the morning, or evening, or during the winter time.  It can also be different depending on if you are standing up when you are getting sunlight or if you are active when you are getting sunlight.

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