Hope Central Seventh-Day Adventist Group

Bringing Hope to Centretown Ottawa

10 Days of Prayer: Ontario Conference Day of Prayer and Fasting 2021



We are pleased to announce that the second and third Sabbaths of January, the 9th and 16th (2021), have been set aside as virtual days of worship, focusing on prayer and fasting for the Ontario conference.  Programming will run on each day from 10:30 to 12:30 pm (mornings only, no Sabbath School), streamed live onto youtube.com/adventistontario.

For the first Sabbath, the emphasis is Seeking Revival Together, and for the second, it is Putting Revival into Practice.

Hosted in French and English, these services will comprise: 

*Children's segments
*State of the church report from Executive Secretary, Jakov Bibulovic
*Inspiring messages from President Mansfield Edwards
*Music of meditation
*Multilingual prayers
*Mission reports
*And more 

The rationale for these days arose from Joel 1:14, “Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord.” Let us unite in petitioning God to usher in an era of multiplication in our conference.

Below is an outline of the emphasis for the remaining days of prayer.


  • DAY 1: Jesus' Most Precious Gift
  • DAY 2: Grasping the Gift
  • DAY 3: Surrender is the Key
  • DAY 4: Putting Revival Into Practice
  • DAY 5: Spiritual or Carnal: What's the Difference?
  • DAY 6: God's Solution to Our Struggle
  • DAY 7: Praying God's Promises
  • DAY 8: Obedience Through Jesus
  • DAY 9: Do I Work For God — Or Does He Work Through Me?
  • DAY 10: Seeking Revival Together
  • SABBATH CELEBRATION: Seeking God's Spirit

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